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Farjo Female Hair Loss Patients Attract News

Amy and Angela, both UK Female patients of Drs Farjo show the versatility of the latest hair transplants as they both feature on BBC while Amy attracs the attention of posse of publications

Amy Cameron suffered from a brain tumour and lost hair as a result of radiotherapy. She was a very young student nurse and was told nothing could be done about her hair. That is when she was referred to world renowned dermatologist, Dr Andrew Messenger. He was already very familiar with the hair transplant work by Drs Farjo, and suggested he refers her for their opinion on her suitability. After thorough consultation with all parties, Amy’s NHS trust agreed to fund her hair transplant. See below for details and media coverage.

Angela Benabo, developed a bald patch on the top of her scalp around 15 years ago. She had been told for many years that she had female pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) and a trichologist suggested hair transplantation at Farjo. At her consultation, Dr Farjo doubted the diagnosis and arranged a second dermatology opinion and a biopsy. Indeed it turned out that Angela suffered from scarring alopecia where the scalp produced deep scars killing off her hairs. Fortunately, the condition was dormant and she safely had transplant surgery that gave her the result you see freeing her from the stigma of her hair loss.

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