Mail On Sunday Prints Farjo Opinion on ‘Mr Selfridge’
20th January 2013
Today’s Mail On Sunday, features the speculation that American actor Jeremy Piven has had a hair transplant. He is currently playing the role of Mr Selfridge on our TV screens.
Dr Bessam Farjo was approached by the newspaper and shown photographs of Mr Piven for his opinion. He certainly has a lot more hair than older photos. One photo in particular from 2010 showed the back of his head shaved and a fresh looking linear scar across that maybe the result of a recent hair transplant. Overall, Mr Piven appears to have had an excellent result with which he must be very delighted. The newspaper however misquotes Dr Farjo when it mentions the term ‘strand-by-strand’. This term refers to a type of hairpiece and at no point in the interview did Dr Farjo or even the journalist bring it up!
Some surgeons shave the entire scalp ahead of a FUT or strip type procedure, but at Farjo we actually rely on existing hair to disguise the donor site. We tell patients NOT to cut their hair short before the hair transplant! Once everything heals then they can cut it short if they wish.
On the other hand, for larger FUE type hair transplant surgery, the back does need to be shaved on the day.
We would not be surprised if Mr Piven might also be using medical treatments to maintain the existing hair. A hair transplant will restore lost hair but will not stop the ongoing loss from other parts of the scalp.
Click on the image to see the article or here for the online version.