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Report About UK’s 1st Live Hair Transplant at Farjo

Live Hair Transplant at FarjoOn June 12, 2012, Farjo hosted the UK’s 1st live hair transplant surgery. It was broadcast in high definition for an uninterrupted 8 hours enabling viewers to see all aspects of the procedure. Additionally, they were able to communicate with both Dr Farjo and the patient live through Twitter. Another first.

The patient was former Sunderland and England left-back footballer, Micky (Michael) Gray. Micky is currently a pundit on Sky Sports TV and TalkSport radio.

Here you can see interviews with Micky and Dr Bessam Farjo with their thoughts ahead of the surgery. Also, you can view a video nicely summarising the highlights of the day. It is our intention to break down the original footage into separate technical sections for those interested.

It’s unfortunate there has been such a delay in getting this footage on our website, but we have had an incredibly busy period with events and conferences and of course hair transplant surgery!



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