Why so many men are getting botched hair transplants

Why so many men are getting botched hair transplants

The Telegraph feature article

Why so many men are getting botched hair transplants

“What most people don’t realise,” says Dr Greg Williams, president of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery, “is there’s no training for hair transplant surgery in medical school, or in any of the specialities such as dermatology or plastic surgery. There are no qualifications in the UK for transplant surgery, and there’s no regulation around who does it. Recently, there’s been a significant rise in the number of doctors doing it who view it is easy and lucrative.”

The UK boasts several reputable hair transplant surgeons. Despite this, in some quarters “black-market pirate clinics” are meeting the demand from balding men, as the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) puts it.

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