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Asparagus: The Latest Hair Loss Miracle Cure?

Earlier this week, the Daily Mail reported that Prince Harry has turned to a special diet to slow the rate of his hair loss. It is rumoured that the fourth in line to the throne has been consuming asparagus in an effort to strengthen his existing hair – its high alkaline content has been hailed by nutritionists as a hair growth stimulant.

Diet is inextricably linked to hair health and hair loss. A lack of minerals often results in thinning hair, while iron-deficiency anaemia also contributes heavily towards hair loss.

I often advise my patients to keep a thorough check on their diet, for the benefit of their hair as well as their general wellbeing. However, no amount of asparagus is going to keep you from losing your hair if you are genetically prone to do so.

There is certainly no shortage of ‘miracle’ hair loss serums and drugs on the market, targeting those who are starting to become conscious of a reduction in hair thickness or a receding hair line. These ‘cures’ play on the concerns of men and women who are going through the undoubtedly stressful and upsetting process of losing their hair.

There is a lot that can be done to keep the hair you have in good condition. Prescribed drugs such as propecia and minoxidil can minimise future hair loss, and, as I’ve said above, diet can play a big part in keeping your hair at an optimum condition.

Dry and brittle hair, for example, is caused by a lack of oil – both in the scalp and the body as a whole. Eating plenty of protein, keeping hydrated and following a healthy and varied diet will help combat this, but the ageing process means our bodies naturally produce less sebum, the oil that moisturises the hair. Sadly, there’s no cure to ageing, but investing in a quality shampoo and conditioner will help to keep your hair at its best.

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