Preparing Your Hair For Autumn
2nd September 2015
Autumn is upon us. As the temperatures start to dip and the days become shorter, our brains and bodies react to the changing seasons in more ways than one. But what does that mean for our hair?
When the cold weather hits, our skin tends to get dry and it’s the same case for our hair. The change in temperature can cause numerous problems such as dryness, dandruff and frizz.
Here are my top tips on how to prepare your hair for autumn:
- Just like your body, your hair needs to be kept hydrated. The cold temperatures can cause hair to dry out and become brittle. The lack of moisture can also result in a dry scalp, as it produces less sebum, which may lead to dandruff and itching. Make sure you’re using a moisturising shampoo and conditioner and try to drink plenty of water throughout the autumn months. Not only will this have a positive impact on your skin, it will also help your hair stay healthy.
- Avoid hot water. Just like heated styling tools, hot water can cause more frizz and dry out your hair even more. Try adjusting your water temperature to luke-warm to avoid frizzy hair.
- Use natural products. By using synthetic and alcohol based products, your hair is getting stripped of all of its natural oils, causing hair to become dryer. Be sure to use products with natural ingredients to avoid hair drying out.
- Wash your hair only when needed. During autumn, it’s important to try and only wash hair when needed, allowing it to build its natural oils and keep hydrated.
Don’t forget, it’s not only leaves that fall during autumn. Many people experience hair loss during the season too, but why?
A Swedish study found that during autumn, we tend to lose more hair than any other season. Human hair takes between two and six years to grow At any time, 90 per cent of our hair is growing, whilst the remainder is in a resting state, also known as the telogon stage, for between two and six months. The hair follicle itself then rests for up to three months before the whole process is repeated. But, why does autumn provide a hair shredding boost?
The study on 800 people found that the individuals had the highest proportion of resting hair in July, with the resting stage typically ending between October and November. The reason for this is unclear, but scientists suggest that more hair is grown throughout the summer months to protect the scalp from hot sun and ultraviolet radiation. During the autumn months, this additional growth is no longer required and therefore, the hair sheds.