Roadshow Set To Educate The Masses About Hair Loss
3rd October 2013
As you may or may not know, I recently joined the Board of Trustees of the Hair Foundation – a not for profit organisation dedicated to providing unbiased information on hair – and this year marks the launch of its National Day of Hair and Skin Health Awareness Roadshow Series in the USA.
The goal of the events, which are all free of charge, is to raise awareness of the foundation’s core mission to educate consumers about hair loss. By securing donors, exhibitors, sponsors and attendees for events all over America, it hopes to attract and inform people who are interested in scalp and skincare; eyelashes, eyebrows and hair thinning; hair disorders; hair care and hairstyling.
The first of many events set to run through until 2015 will take place in Winter Park, Florida, on Friday 10 October. Numerous experts will be speaking at the event, including Drs. Matt Leavitt, Ken Washenik, Nicole Rogers and Glenn Charles. There will be local and national hair experts and stylists on hand to answer any questions and consult with attendees.
Experiences such as scalp massages, hair and skin analysis, mini-facials, skin tightening, hairstyling, camouflage methods, lasers and robotics will be on offer – as well as lots of hair and skincare samples.
These events are a great opportunity for people to gain impartial, honest and reliable information about hair loss, along with other hair and skin related issues. I’m sure the first event’s success will surpass expectations and I hope that the roadshow series will eventually make its way across the Atlantic to the UK!