Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

One highly popular non-surgical treatment for hair loss is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. PRP is an advanced and innovative treatment which works by using the high concentrations of platelet cells in plasma that is derived from a sample of a patient’s own blood.

This treatment uses a rich source of specialised proteins, including essential growth factors and cytokines, to promote hair growth and healing by injecting the solution into the scalp. 

PRP can be used in 2 different ways in relation to hair loss. Firstly it can be used to encourage hair growth and improve hair quality. 

By taking a small sample of a patient’s blood (similar to when you donate blood) we consequently spin it in a centrifuge. This allows separation of the platelets (type of blood cells) from the rest of the plasma to settle in concentrated form in the sample. This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the patient’s scalp amongst the thinning hair to benefit hair growth. 

Similar to low level laser therapy, PRP is of most benefit in thinning areas of hair, but beyond a certain level of hair loss then it might be too late. 

Women tend to be more typical of the patient who benefits from this as they ‘thin’ rather than go bald. Typically, we need to do 3 treatments over a 3 month period. To maintain any tangible benefit, the patient will typically need 3-4  treatments per year.

Alternatively, or additionally, PRP can be used to potentially accelerate healing and hair growth following a hair transplant by incorporating PRP as part of the hair transplant procedure. It may also serve to give strength to existing hairs if the transplant is being done in such an area.

It is the same process as above, except it will be a one-off treatment where the PRP is injected into the recipient area of the transplant at the beginning of the procedure.

Is the treatment painful?

It’s injections, so there can be a little discomfort, but it can be done with local anaesthetic.

What are the main benefits?

Similar to Low Level Laser Therapy, the main benefits are bulking up of miniaturising or thinner hairs.

How permanent are the results?

If successful, expect the need to repeat this treatment 1-2 times per year to maintain results.

How often can the treatment be carried out?

Initially there would be 3 treatments over 3 months, and then in order to maintain results we can repeat the procedure 1-2 times per year.

Do I need to allow time for healing before showering?

No, you can expect to carry on as normal after the procedure.

How much does this treatment cost?

£500 per treatment.

Are there any side effects?

There can be a little discomfort during the procedure, and maybe a little redness for a short period.

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