Dr Bessam Farjo

Founding Director & Lead Hair Restoration Surgeon


Diplomas, Memberships, Fellowships & Directorships

Graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Fellow of the International College of Surgeons (FICS)

Diplomate and Past Board Director of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)

Past President & Fellow of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), 1st European President

Founder Member and Past President of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS)

Member of the European Hair Research Society (EHRS)

Fellow, Past Board Member and Medical Director of the Institute of Trichologists (est. 1902)

Co-Founder & Director of the International Trichology Congress (ITC)

Medical Director of HairClone Limited

Founder Member of the Trichological Society

Authorships & Media Involvement

Expert contributor to TV & radio news channels including BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky and others

Regular contributor to Channel 4’s BodyShockers and featured on Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies

Expert contributor to numerous major national and international newspapers and magazines


My Hair Story

I’m always discussing other people’s hair loss and thought it would be interesting to give you an insight into my own.

My hair loss – like most men’s – is genetic and ‘gifted’ to me from both sides of the family. Come to think of it, out of 10 direct male relatives I can think of, there are only two who didn’t end up almost completely bald!

Propecia was not around at the time of my hair loss and Minoxidil or Regaine unfortunately did not do enough.

When I was training in hair surgery, I also had a hair transplant. But, the quality and level of techniques used were nowhere near what they are today. More importantly, efficient use of the available donor hair is not comparable to our extremely high standards today

The combination of advanced hair loss at a very young age and inefficient use of my very limited donor hair means that there’s very little I could have done in terms of hair transplant surgery, especially since my actual donor thinned out as well!

Over time, I have come to terms with this, and have reached a reasonably happy state. In fact, I feel that this experience allows me to perfectly place myself in my patients’ shoes, especially the young guys with a strong family history and high expectations.


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