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    Brian Beacom: Why I had a hair transplant

    Brian Beacom: Why I had a hair transplant

    The Glasgow Herald feature

    Brian Beacom: Why I had a hair transplant

    SIR Laurence Olivier, while lying desperately ill in hospital, “with tubes everywhere” reportedly didn’t cry out for his doctor. Instead, the acting legend summoned his trichologist Philip Kingsley to his bedside and declared, “I’m so worried about my hair, what can I do?”

    Now, there are those who will reckon these to be the words of a vain, self-obsessive with a irregular set of priorities. And they’d be right. But I have to admit my head has been in total agreement with Larry’s on the baldness issue. In fact, I had obsessed about hair loss over a 30-year period. From the age of 18 I’d watched my hair relocate from scalp to sink plug, and in the process I’d tried every hair loss lotion and potion available.

    I took off to see Dr Bessam Farjo in Manchester. Thankfully, amazingly, he did give me new hair. Or at least cleverly re-positioned hair. The process was painless. And just as importantly, I still have the hair 10 years later. I now carry a comb as a right. I no longer look at men’s hairlines with envy. I no longer dream of recapturing my teenage David Cassidy hair.

    But what of hair transplantation today? A decade ago, it was next to impossible to find someone who’d had a successful hair transplant to talk about the process.

    Read the full article

    Thinking about hair restoration? See how the experts at Farjo can help.
