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    Footballer Robbie Fowler unveils his hair transplant

    Footballer Robbie Fowler unveils his hair transplant

    Robbie Fowler Mail Online Article

    Footballer Robbie Fowler unveils his hair transplant

    Robbie Fowler has revealed he’s undergone hair transplant surgery to restore his hairline.

    ‘My dad actually passed away a few years back and I’m not saying I had the procedure because of the banter I had with him about it, but I did sort of look at myself in the mirror and thought I’d feel better with a more defined hairline.

    He added: ‘I’m absolutely delighted with how it’s turned out and I would recommend it to anyone considering it. If you look at my hair towards the end of my career, what I have now is very similar.’

    ‘If you want to get it done, go for it. It’s really quite common these days. It’s not a taboo subject anymore. I’m happy to talk openly about it and I have no hesitation about recommending it to people if it’s something that’s bothering them.’

    Dr Bessam Farjo, Hair Restoration Surgeon at the Farjo Hair Institute, performed Robbie’s procedure and credited his ‘good head of hair.’

    ‘Robbie was a great candidate for a hair transplant as he had a good head of hair to begin with. It was a case of finessing the hair line to achieve a fuller look from the front. I’m really pleased with his progress – I think the results speak for themselves,’ he said.

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    Thinking about hair restoration? See how the experts at Farjo can help.
