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You Can Take Your Hat Off!

October 1, 2010 – 10:39 pm by Dr Bessam Farjo

It would appear that Tom Jones is happy to be a silver ‘pussy cat’ – just not a receding one!

Apparently, on an American chat show, Tom spoke openly about having an alopecia reduction (scalp reduction) stating that he was very happy with the end result.

This procedure is not usually recommended for the frontal region, where Tom appeared to be receding.

I’m not sure that I believe he has undergone an alopecia reduction alone. I think that it’s more than likely he’s had an alopecia reduction to the top and crown in addition to hair transplant surgery perhaps in the front.

It used to be beneficial to undergo both procedures as the alopecia reduction of the crown area will leave a smaller area of baldness. The transplantation can therefore be concentrated into a smaller area of greater density. Fair enough when hair transplants were done the old fashioned way and the donor area was not used efficiently.

Scalp reductions aren’t suitable for everyone. Although they offer the advantage of immediate results, the scars may be unacceptable especially as hair loss continues to progress. Nowadays with follicular unit hair transplants using microscopes, the procedure is superior enough to produce efficient and satisfactory coverage of bald areas without resorting to more traumatic surgery.

It’s not unusual for men to combat the signs of ageing with hair loss treatments and hair transplant surgery, and Tom’s one of thousands to be delighted with the outcome.


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