Neil Cross

    Procedure Overview

  • Non-Surgical Treatment
  • FUE
  • Type 5 Hair Loss
  • 4855
OR alternatively call 0333 370 4004

Neil was 45 years old at the time of his first consultation with us in 2015. He was a very busy executive in the entertainment industry constantly dealing with clients who are in the public eye.

His hair loss built up over the years, and he became particularly self-conscious about it when it reached the point it did. He wanted to keep his hair short on the back and sides, and the FUE technique particularly appealed to him.

He was over the moon after one operation at the front, but that made him appreciate he has even more options! The results on display here for the front and crown are after 2 main hair transplant procedures, and one final minor top up a year ago. Total grafts came to 4855.


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Thinking about hair restoration? See how the experts at Farjo can help. Book your Consultation