Refinery 29 feature
I Tried TikTok’s Famous DIY Aloe Vera Hair Mask & The Results Surprised Me
18th March 2021
When it comes to hair hacks, TikTok is the ultimate hub of knowledge. This year, TikTok has schooled us on how to nail heatless curls and fashion DIY curtain bangs at home. We’ve also learned a thing or two about hair health. Lately though, one hack is going viral for transforming dry hair and scalps in need of urgent attention. This involved making aloe vera hair masks from scratch. Applied directly to the scalp and lengths, it supposedly soothes itchy skin, promotes hair growth, moisturises dry hair and enhances hair strength.
Having spoken to many hair experts as a beauty editor, I know that only one ingredient can encourage hair to grow and that’s over-the-counter treatment, minoxidil. Otherwise known as Rogaine, says hair expert Dr Nilofer Farjo of Farjo Hair Institute, it comes in the form of either a foam or lotion and can be purchased at many pharmacies, including Boots.
Thinking about hair restoration? See how the experts at Farjo can help.