UK Gives Go-Ahead To Treatment That Freezes Men’s Hair Follicles To Combat Balding

UK Gives Go-Ahead To Treatment That Freezes Men’s Hair Follicles To Combat Balding

Lad Bible web feature

UK Gives Go-Ahead To Treatment That Freezes Men’s Hair Follicles To Combat Balding

Biotechnology company HairClone has been given the go-ahead to start freezing customer’s hair samples by the Government’s Human Tissue Authority.

Basically, each client has 100 follicles taken for a sample before they lose their hair. HairClone then keeps them in a sub-zero facility until the client needs them.

Once the men get older and their hair starts to fall out, HairClone will take the hair out of the cold storage. They then multiply the follicles in a lab. They are then injected back into the client’s scalp in an attempt to regain the full and lustrous locks they once had.

Dr Bessam Farjo, the medical director at HairClone and one of the company’s hair restoration surgeons, said: “Now that the licence is in place we’re ready to bank hair for patients. Consultations can begin in earnest.

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