Michael Gray’s Thatch Of The Day
20th June 2012
On Monday 11 June, over 22,000 viewers from across the globe tuned in to watch as I performed the UK’s first live broadcast of hair transplant surgery on Ex-England football player, Michael Gray.
People watched live on the internet as I took follicular unit grafts from the back of Michael’s head, before re-implanting approximately 5,000 hairs at the front, where he had been receding. During the seven hour operation, Micky and I responded to questions we received on Twitter – and there were masses of them!
I wanted spectators to be able to gain a deeper understanding of all the elements involved in the surgery, from how the procedure is executed, to how the patient feels at the time. I think giving viewers the opportunity to interact with myself and Micky during the procedure allowed them to gain a real understanding of what was happening from all perspectives.
The coverage of the live hair transplant in the media was very impressive. It featured on Granada Reports and Daybreak, was covered by the Daily Mail, The Sun, Manchester Evening News and various radio stations. Interviews even took place whilst Micky was in the surgeon’s chair on BBC Radio Manchester, BBC Radio Lancashire and Real Radio North East.
Michael was a fantastic patient and coped extremely well, in what was certainly a very unusual day for him (and us). I’m delighted with the response from the public and the level of interest it has generated for hair transplant surgery.
The aim was to help educate people about this procedure and I certainly believe that this has been achieved. Thanks to everyone who tuned in on the day and if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, keep an eye out for the footage highlights that we’ll be uploading onto the Farjo website soon.