NEWS: Farjo Team Contributes at Annual Hair Transplant Congress
17th January 2018
Drs Farjo took part in the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) FUE Immersion World Live Surgery Workshop held in Polanica, Poland October 1-2, 2017
It was a 2 day event comprising of morning lectures followed by live hair transplant surgery demonstrations in the afternoons. A Beginners course preceded the main event. Dr Bessam Farjo acted as live surgery moderator over both days facilitating an experienced link between the surgery and the delegates in both the operating rooms and the video auditorium. He also lectured on Recipient Area Planning, and When is a Patient Not A Good Candidate for FUE.
However, the main event of that week, and the whole year in our field was the 25th ISHRS World Congress in Prague, Czech Republic on October 4-7, 2018. The Farjo Hair Institute probably had the largest delegation at the congress with a total of 10 attendees. This included both Drs Farjo, London Lead Surgeon Dr Greg Williams, Dr Rachael Kay, Surgery Manager Sara Roberts, 4 surgery technicians and products manager.
Dr Nilofer Farjo is a member of the Board of Governors of the ISHRS, and as such she took part in the pre-congress all day meeting governing various issue relevant to the society, its members and importantly, the field at large.
Drs Bessam Farjo and Greg Williams took their positions at the table of the ISHRS Global Council of National Societies meeting. Dr Farjo is a past president of the ISHRS but currently is the lead international Ambassador, and chair of the Regional Workshops Committee. Dr Williams is the President of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery, and chair of the ISHRS Ethics & Bylaws Committee.
Dr Greg Williams was co-chair for the Beginners Course guiding doctors new to the field to the needed basic knowledge. Dr Bessam Farjo was the director for the pre-congress hands on course in Scalp Micro-pigmentation. Sara Roberts was teaching faculty on the Surgical Assistants Workshop which she chaired the previous year. All our surgery technicians took part in organising and teaching at the hands on workshops for doctors and their assistants trying their hands on graft dissection, handling, placing, etc.
Sara Roberts demonstrating Beginners Course Faculty
Posing with delegates! 25 years of ISHRS Presidents
Dr Bessam Farjo was faculty on the Robotic-Assisted FUE panel, lecturing and debating on the subject of When Is the Robot Indicated for Use in the FUE Patient. Additionally he co-chaired an expert table on photography and videography for hair transplant surgery.