
Five ways to prevent balding

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Despite the array of shampoos, vitamins and alternative therapies on offer that promise to stop balding in its tracks, unfortunately, there are no sure-fire ways to completely stop hair loss. However, there are a few precautions you can take to slow it down. As hair loss is progressive, early intervention is better – so as […]


Is hair loss really more common in summer?

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It’s officially summer time, even if the British weather isn’t reflecting that! With the longer, warmer days comes an unusual side effect for some people – increased hair loss. So, if you have been noticing more hair stuck to your brush over the past few weeks, don’t panic! It is actually normal. A study conducted […]


Untangling shampoo myths

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Shampooing our hair is something that many of us do on a daily basis without much thought – it’s just a simple part of our routine. That said, despite the fact that many of us have been washing our locks for decades, there are still plenty of misconceptions swirling around out there! Here are some […]

female celebrities hair loss

How to handle female hair loss

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For many women, hair is more than just something that sits on their head – it’s a reflection of their identity and personal style, and something that is intrinsically linked to their self-esteem.  There is a social stigma attached to hair loss, so it can come as a shock to hear that 40% of women […]