
Is my vegan diet affecting my hair?

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As veganism is proving ever more popular, the impact of a vegan diet, particularly in relation to a person’s health, is increasingly coming under the microscope. Hair loss is one thing that many people worry about, and it is something that can often affect those living a vegan lifestyle or transitioning to a vegan diet. […]

Does weight loss cause hair loss?

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If you set shedding some pounds as your New Year’s resolution, it can feel like a great achievement to step on the scales and see you’re approaching your target. However, some people find there’s a not-so-pleasant side to their weight loss – their hair is shedding at a far more rapid rate than usual. One […]


Five ways to prevent balding

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Despite the array of shampoos, vitamins and alternative therapies on offer that promise to stop balding in its tracks, unfortunately, there are no sure-fire ways to completely stop hair loss. However, there are a few precautions you can take to slow it down. As hair loss is progressive, early intervention is better – so as […]