horse shampoo

Will This Shampoo Give You The Mane Of A Show Pony?

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Reported to be a beauty secret of the stars, the newest ‘must-try’ hair product is fittingly called Mane ’n Tail – you guessed it, a horse shampoo. Never ones to miss a piece of the action, the shampoo and conditioner are said to be must-haves for a-list celebs such as Kim Kardashian, Demi Moore, Sarah […]

Can Balding Cause More Heartache Than We Thought?

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Yesterday’s papers all picked up on the same piece of research from Japan – the rather alarming statistic that men who suffer from male pattern baldness are 32 per cent more likely to suffer from heart disease than those blessed with a full head of hair.  However, only those balding from the crown of the […]

Transplants – The ‘Best’ Solution For Hair Loss!

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The Daily Mail recently reported on Calum Best’s decision to undergo a hair transplant. The explanation given for Calum’s thinning was that, during his younger years, he had caused damage by constantly bleaching his hair blonde and pulling it back in a tight ponytail. Consistently wearing a very tight ponytail can indeed cause traction alopecia, […]