Grey hairs and genetics

Genetic Discovery Could Mean Goodbye To Greys

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It’s a moment most people dread: finding the first grey hair. Widely feared as a premature sign of ageing, grey hair has a bad reputation but recent research suggests it might be down to genetics. Researchers at University College London have discovered the gene responsible for grey hair and are confident that it’ll be possible […]

Why do Greys Grow?

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Most of us spend our adulthood anxiously awaiting their arrival, with many people finding their first much earlier than they’d hoped. Although grey is very much a hair colour of the moment in some ‘hipster’ circles, many men and women spend hours, as well as hundreds or even thousands of pounds, trying to conceal it. […]

Stop Old Age In Its Tracks (Hair Wise…)

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The thinning of the hair is an inevitable part of the aging process, and I’m often asked how best to counteract hair’s deterioration through age. There are a few things that can be done to slow this down – at least a little. Eating a healthy diet rich in zinc, calcium, sodium and potassium can […]

A Grey Mood Doesn’t Mean Grey Hair

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I’ve received a few enquiries recently about whether stress can contribute to turning your hair grey. It seems to be a common – and concerning – myth, that worrying can turn you grey overnight. Fear not – hair receives its colour genetically. It’s embedded in the hair’s structure as it forms in the root. If your […]